“Tres Estatuas de la libertad en Cuba”…una ironía del destino?… Sabían que: En Cuba tenemos nada menos que tres estatuas de la Libertad, que se encuentran en las ciudades de Remedios, Puerto Padre y Gibara, raro que ninguna en la Capital… Quizás todos no saben que en el Parque Central, en el período de mayo de 1902 a octubre de 1903, estuvo ubicada una estatua norteamericana dedicada a la libertad inaugurada por el presidente Tomás Estrada Palma como símbolo del gobierno de la República naciente. Tras el destrono del monumento a Isabel II, en marzo de 1899, el periódico “El Fígaro” convocó una primera votación para elegir quién sería ubicado en lugar de la reina española. Sin embargo,… More
Did you know that: In Cuba we have as many as three statues of Liberty, found in the cities of Remedios, Puerto Padre and Gibara, rare as none in the Capital… Perhaps everyone does not know that in the Central Park, in the period from May 1902 to October 1903, an American statue dedicated to freedom opened by President Tom áss Estrada Palma was located as a symbol of the government of the rising Republic .. After the dethrone of the Monument to Elizabeth II in March 1899, the newspaper ′′ El Figaro ′′ called for a first vote to choose who would be located instead of the Spanish queen. However, contrary to the results of the survey, and under the pretext of being temporary, the statue was placed to liberty. They bought the monument in America. The stay of the little known statue of habanera liberty was ephemeral, as on October 10 of the following year it would be taken down by a cyclone, and replaced by the now known: the one of José Mart í in front of the current Hotel England that was placed February 24, 1905. ·