InicioTodoCamagüey , la ciudad de los Tinajones !!!! Decir “tinajón” y pensar...

Camagüey , la ciudad de los Tinajones !!!! Decir “tinajón” y pensar en Camagüey

Camagüey , la ciudad de los Tinajones !!!! Decir “tinajón” y pensar en Camagüey es casi la misma cosa. Pero, ¿por qué precisamente Camagüey y no otra villa se convirtió en la tierra del tinajón en la mayor de las Antillas? El tinajón, como tantas costumbres, llegó al Camagüey procedente de Andalucía. Allá, desde épocas inmemoriales se utilizaba para transportar granos, vinos y otros productos. Quizás los primeros que llegaron a la villa de Puerto Príncipe contuvieran, precisamente, algunas de estas mercancías, pero pronto los camagüeyanos descubrieron una utilidad mayor: utilizarlos como aljibes para almacenar agua. En Camagüey el agua era escasa, así que recoger la que caía del cielo – que… More
Saying ′′ tinajon ′′ and thinking of Camag üey is almost the same thing. But why precisely did Camag üey and not another villa become the land of tinajon in the largest of the West Indies? The tinajon, like many customs, arrived in Camag üey from Andalucia. There, since immemorial times it was used to transport grains, wines and other products. Perhaps the first arrivals to the villa of Port-au-Prince would contain some of these goods, but soon the Camaguans discovered a greater usefulness: using them as water-storage sinks. In Camag üey water was scarce, so picking up the one that fell from the sky – which in some seasons of the year wasn’t much either – it was almost a necessity of life or death. To collect the water, the villagers buried the tinajones in the gardens to half of the vessel, just under the wooden or brass channels where water ran from the roofs. As the rainy season began, the skilled neighbors let the first downpours dragging impurities and only then opening the tinajons. In their mouths they placed mosquito net fabrics and covers to prevent insects from falling inside or mosquitoes will contaminate them with their larvae. Water stored in the tinajones served to cook and drink. Each house had at least one tinajon; and the number of these could reveal from the number of people living in a house to the wealth of the family that occupied it. Until the twentieth century the tinajon was used in Camag üey to store water, but tradition slowly lost. Those who survive today are used, essentially with decorative elements. However, the use of the tinajon has survived in the popular imaginary as a symbol of the city, and still Agramontins say that those who drink tinajon water will never leave Camag üey. I love Camag üey Tinajones, let me know if you have any in your house ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ I leave you photos of the bronze statues of the Beautiful City of Tinajones ♥️♥️♥️♥️ ·

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