Don Domingo Tejera y Delgado.» Fábrica de Gofio La Lucha». Miembro de una destacada familia güimarera, nuestro biografiado emigró a Cuba, donde sobresalió como comerciante, siendo propietario de la “Fábrica de Gofio La Lucha” de La Habana y cajero de la “Nueva Fábrica de Hielo”. Además, desempeñó diversos cargos, pues fue consiliario (consejero o vocal) del “Centro Canario”, vicetesorero y contador de la “Sociedad Canaria de Beneficencia y Protección Agrícola”, contador de la Sociedad “Unión y Ahorro” de La Habana, representante de “Industrias Extranjeras”, vocal de la “Asociación de Depósitos del Centro Gallego” de La Habana, presidente de la sección de Protección Agrícola y… More
Member of a prominent g üimarera family, our biography immigrated to Cuba, where he stood out as a trader, owning the ′′ La Lucha Factory ′′ of Havana and cashier of the ′′ New Ice Factory «. He also held various positions, because he was a consiliary (advisor or vocal) of the ′′ Canary Center «, vicerero and accountant of the ′′ Canary Society for Agricultural Protection and Charity «, accountant of the ′′ Union and Savings ′′ Society of Havana, representing ′′ Foreign Industries «, vocal of the ′′ Association of Deposits of the Gallego Center ′′ of Havana, president of the Agricultural Protection section and vice president general of the ′′ Canary Association of Cuba «, member of the ′′ Defense Committee of Tenerife ′′ on the island of Cuba and activist against the provincial division, developing intense press campaigns. He was born in the house of Aguerche, in the highs of El Escobonal (G ümar), on November 13, 1855, being the youngest of the children of Don Vicente Tejera de Castro, natural of Santa Cruz de Tenerife and native by her father from G ümar, and Mrs Juana Delgado-Trinidad and Delgado-Trinidad, from illustrious g üimarera family. Three days later he was baptized in the parish church of the Apostle San Pedro de G ímar by Doctor Don Agust ínn D Díaaz N úez, benefited from it; he was named ′′ Domingo Gavino Bernardo Diego ′′ and acted as godmother Mrs. Maria Magdalena Rodriguez… OWNER OF THE ′′ GOFIO FIGHT FACTORY ′′
By inheritance, in 1899 he owned a great estate in La Tirada de El Escobonal, between the path of the drag and the Barranco de Herques, which adjoined another of his brother Luis Tejera Delgado and close to another of his sister Efigenia Tejera Skinny. Don Domingo Tejera also owned the mill or ′′ F ábrica de Gofio La Lucha ′′ in Havana, installed in the neighborhood of El Cerro No. 745 (Paradise 661), which was announced with a product of ′′ Superior Class ′′ and ′′ Registered Brand «, that «, For sale on
′′ Complete ′′ net two-pound package adding that:
Teachers at the ′′ Nodrize Choice Station ′′ say in their
newsletters and certificates:
For weaning, when the child starts drinking, it must be given
preferably La Lucha waffle, which we recommend for its careful manufacture, absolutely pure and clean. This food contains all the elements necessary for
the growth and good development of children. If you take it the nurse increases the amount of milk «. The mill was installed next to the ′′ Covadonga ′′ Hospital and the ′′ La Preciosa ′′ Convent, also close to the ′′ La Aurora ′′ cookie factory. Then, our biographed lived on Santo Tom áss nos street. 4 a and 10.
On March 16, 1931, the factory was sold by its heirs to Beis and Company, which was based in Drain and Plasencia (Havana) and also owned
of ′′ La Favorita «, because on that date it applied for registration, issuing the certificate of ownership on September 22th of that year, although retrofitting its effects to the previous 23th of August. The new owner company registered it as ′′ Big Waffle Factory
′′ La Lucha «», with domicile in the Lonja del Comercio (Post No. 66); and in its factory mark it was stated: ′′ Products covered: Waffle and other raw flours. Variation of the
design of the brand called ′′ La Lucha «, corresponding to the certificate of registration. Sunday Tejera Trinidad, was a cashier at the Great Ice Factory in Havana «. By: Octavio Rodriguez Delgado’s blog. ·