Eutimio Falla Bonet un cubano digno de recordar. Fue propietario en 13 centrales, una fábrica de tablas de bagazo, dos bancos, una papelera, una destilería, un teatro, dos henequeneras. Se le estimaba un capital ascendente a 8 millones en 1956. Era uno de los 4 hermanos beneficiarios de la “Sucesión de L. Falla Gutiérrez” (hermanos Falla Gutiérrez) con un capital total de 75 millones e inversiones en el exterior estimadas en 40 millones. La Sucesión era el segundo grupo más importante de hacendados cubanos en cuanto a número de centrales (poseían 7 centrales), y el más poderoso grupo financiero azucarero. Este gran villareño que amasó una importante fortuna, para luego dedicarse a la… More
Owned in 13 central banks, a bagaso board factory, two banks, one bin, one distillery, one theater, two henequeneras. He was estimated to be 8 million in 1956. He was one of the 4 brothers beneficiary of the ′′ Succession of L Fault Gutiérrez ′′ (brothers Falla Gutiérrez) with total capital of 75 million and overseas investments estimated at 40 million. The Succession was the second largest group of Cuban landlords in terms of number of plants (owned 7 plants), and the most powerful sugar finance group. This great villarean who amassed an important fortune, then dedicated himself to philanthropy, paying remodeling monuments and temples especially at Villa Clara. He was historian-restaurant, lover of maximum architecture in one who rescues Medioevo, of Spanish ancestry from the region of Castile. He was a member of one of Cuba’s richest families in the first half of the th century. He was born in 1905, in the Andreita ingenuity in the present-day province of Cienfuegos, surviving his three male brothers who could not pass from childhood. Raised and educated in an environment of sober and fine elegance, respect for family and evangelical teachings. He learned from his parents and sisters the love of God and his peers, to feel other people’s pain as his own, and to give everything for others. In 1915 his family moved to Havana with the aim of making it easier for children to complete their studies and education, integrating them into society’s life, adding to this the perfecting of a fine elegance influenced by French customs that were practiced in that time in the family arena. Eutimio rejects the award of a nobility title of Marquess requested to the King of Spain by Spanish organizations of the island and delivers into the study and follow-up of his family tree of Cuban origin, based on the union of Spanish with Cuban who by the line maternal takes it until the th century, always endorsed by the existence of documents that reflect the strictest truth and personality of each of its Cuban ancestors. This thirst for genealogical research leads him to visit the vast majority of villarean villages, until he arrives in Santa Clara where he discovers his linkage to remedial families, which one day in the th century immigrated and founded the city. It is not expected that your decision to move to the city of remedies where you will begin to show your love for that land, investigating the history of the villa from its very beginning, the prominent families who populated it and their current descendants as well as the architecture of their homes and religious temples, where the Catholic faith has dug so deep into the villagers. Man of vast culture, clear intelligence and acute perception of ancient art expressed in city buildings. He wasn’t a church man but he loved God and his homeland, honoring both with the work of his life. During his fertile existence he taught Cuban social duties, brotherhood and love for others. He taught us to practice charity as a divine mandate. He proved to us that wealth can be possessed, but that nothing is worth it if not shared. The philanthropic work of Falla Bonet begins from a young age, practice the public charity expressed not only in his social work but in his daily attitude to the underdog, the poor, the needy, his charitable hand will give economic help, helping not only the friend but also to the stranger many of whom never knew who his benefactor was, because he never proclaimed him or flaunted his generosity, for this he counted with the unconditional support of his mother Maria Dolores and her sisters especially Maria Teresa allowed him to carry on all his work. The parish church of Our Lady of Carmen in the city of Santa Clara is also favored by the humanitarian and charity work of Eutimio which, in the 50 s, financially sponsored the remodeling of the building occupied by the church, was added the atrium surrounding the front and side of the hermitage and doors and windows were renovated. In 1943 comes to Remedios the millionaire Eutimio Falla Bonet in search of the baptismal games of his ancestors and upon finding them wanted to invest in the church of his ancestors thus conducts a historic architectural study of the building that led him to direct the restoration towards the model of the th century (time of the greatest artistic splendor). Restoration began on May 2, 1944 and ended on March 22, 1954 in which roofs are rediscovered and decorated. Restore the floors of chaplaincy slabs and choir brandies. Remove iron bars and place turntable wood. Replace the holy water batteries. Restore the square columns. The convent is eliminated. The parish house is rebuilt in the style of another home in the town (two floors, balconies and tall windows). Curvy lines are returned to the facade. Young Cuba Organization founded by revolutionary leader Antonio Guiteras Holmes in May 1934. The organization set out to oust the Batista government – Caffery – Mendieta through armed struggle. With the aim of raising funds that would fund the training of the revolutionaries of La Joven Cuba in Mexico, the organization accepted the 30 pesos it had confiscated in Santiago de Cuba from The First National City Bank the member of the organization Miguel Mu ñooa Selva, but much more was needed to settle the debt owed to General Lazarus Cardenas, who had offered himself as guarantor in the purchase of arms and ships. Guiteras then proposed to the Central Executive Committee, kidnap a millionaire and ask for ransom, an action with which the management agreed. The chosen victim was ‘ Eutimio Fails Bonet, who had just charged $ 600 in insurance for the Cuban Trinidad fire. The kidnapping was successful and money was taken out of the country in several submissions. With funds secured Guiteras began to find ways to remove the most important paintings of Young Cuba from the country. Finally decided on Amalia yacht and planned to go abroad for El Morrillo, Matanzas. Young Cuba’s top leader Antonio Guiteras died fighting army forces in El Morrillo as the expedition was reported by Captain Carmelo Gonzalez Arias, who had been commissioned to ensure the departure of revolutionaries. Madrid November 23, 1965, at the Palase hotel there is the death of a man who fate led to die outside his homeland, far from his work, far from everything that one day constituted his life, forgotten by many who one day, far away already in time, gave his support in solidarity and brotherly, without demanding anything in return, with only the desire and hope to do well, to help others and to love him as well.
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