María Damasa Jova Baró. 👩🏾📖😊 Ranchuelo (Las Villas, 11 de diciembre de 1890-11 de febrero de 1940) Maestra, promotora, activista, escritora y poeta. En 1925 publicó una colección de poesía, Arpegios íntimos. Hija de María del Socorro Baró y Feliciano Jova, su padre murió cuando ella tenía menos de dos años y se mudó con su madre a Cienfuegos y se formó como profesora de escuela primaria. Jova Baró fue la primera mujer afrocubana propietaria de una imprenta, la que compró con su salario para editar las revistas Ninfas y Umbrales, de las cuales sería fundadora y redactora jefa. Ninfas tuvo una tirada quincenal y estuvo dedicada a la niñez. El primer número salió el 15 de enero de 1929. El… More
Ranchuelo (Las Villas, December 11, 1890-11 February 1940) Teacher, promoter, activist, writer and poet. In 1925 he published a collection of poetry, Intimate Arpeggios. Daughter of Maria del Socorro Bar ó and Feliciano Jova, her father died when she was under two years old and moved with her mother to Cienfuegos and formed as an elementary school teacher. Jova Bar ó was the first Afrocuban woman owner of a printing press, which she bought on her salary to edit the Ninfas and Threshold magazines, of which she would be founder and editor-in-chief. Nymphas had a fortnightly run and was dedicated to childhood. The first issue was released on January 15, 1929. The last issue found corresponds to January 15, 1938. In the drafting of the texts were Olga Rodriguez, Ofelia Eagle, Georgina Duquesne, Adelaide Jimenez Rojo and Hugo Martinez. Thresholds: Artistic Literary Magazine was first published in 1934 and remained until 1937. Jova Bar ó also produced a children’s radio program La Hora Teatre de las Ninfas and established a literary and artistic club for children. She participated in the 1939 Women’s National Congress in Havana, where she expressed concerns about the marginalization of Afrocuban women. In 1939, she joined the Joint National Democratic Party and was elected as the regional candidate for the national assembly; however, the provincial electoral board desauthorized her candidacy. As a teacher, she worked at the school between the streets of Villuendas and Pastora, in the city of Santa Clara, which is now named after her. Sources
Osmaira Gonzalez Consuegra: ′′ With the light of Maria Damasa Jova «, Newspaper. Maria Damasa Jova Bar ó’s tab in ECURED. Maria Damasa Jova Bar ó’s tab on Wikipedia. See link 🚨 ·