InicioTodo"Pioneros por el comunismo": Los niños en Cuba adoctrinados desde pequeños.

«Pioneros por el comunismo»: Los niños en Cuba adoctrinados desde pequeños.

«Pioneros por el comunismo»: Los niños en Cuba adoctrinados desde pequeños. 👧🏼👦🏻😡😠🇨🇺 En medio del miedo de los padres y de la obediencia forzada, niños cubanos de entre seis y 11 años se convierten en los protagonistas del juramento de los «Pioneros José Martí». Este acto, que se realiza cada año por el aniversario al natalicio de Ernesto «Che» Guevara, constituye un ejemplo del adoctrinamiento que se vive en las aulas del país, según se constató en las imágenes grabadas por Cubanet. Los menores repiten consignas en las que se comprometen a ser «dignos relevos de la Unión de Jóvenes Comunistas» (UJC). Los progenitores reconocen que desconocen el contenido de estos juramentos. «No sé… More
Amidst the fear of parents and forced obedience, Cuban children aged six to 11 become the protagonists of the oath of the ′′ Pioneers Jose Mart í «. This event, which is carried out every year for the birth anniversary of Ernesto ′′ Che ′′ Guevara, is an example of the indoctrination that is lived in the classrooms of the country, as seen in the images recorded by Cubanet. Minors repeat slogans in which they pledge to be ′′ worthy relay of the Youth Communist Union ′′ (UJC). Parents acknowledge that they do not know the content of these oaths. ′′ I don’t know how to explain «, I don’t know «, are some of the comments. There are other voices that, between fear and silence, recognize that children are ′′ not yet ready, but are being educated for that «. For these parents fear is heavier than educational quality, despite the evident indoctrination. It’s difficult for them to oppose this situation, which overrides the freedom of the small to choose a political inclination. The images of children dressed in the uniform of pioneers represent a new example of the Cuban government’s control over the country’s education. Last January, hundreds of children of preschool age already filled the streets of western Mayabeque province to honor Mart í with signs from Fidel Castro and UJC. A massive act that re-staged the indoctrination to which Cuban children are exposed from early ages. Watch video 🚨 By: Jose Nacher
CyberCuba journalist. Bachelor of Journalism from CEU Cardinal Herrera University of Valencia, Spain. Editor in st Century, EFE Agency, The Provinces and El Mundo. ·

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