Un día como hoy Noviembre 23, pero del 1997, Falleció Jorge Mas Canosa el fue un político y empresario famoso por ser un activo opositor del gobierno de Fidel Castro y la Revolución Cubana. Consagrado como uno de los empresarios más exitosos entre los cubanos exiliados en los Estados Unidos, Mas Canosa impulsó ambiciosos proyectos para luchar por la democracia en la isla, entre ellos destacan por su vigencia: la creación en 1981 de la Fundación Nacional Cubano Americana (FNCA) junto a Raúl Masvidal y Carlos Salman y en 1985 el lanzamiento de la emisora Radio Martí, destinada a transmitir noticias sin censura para el pueblo de Cuba. Entre sus muchos logros están también el programa EXODO que… More
Consecrated as one of the most successful entrepreneurs among Cubans exiled in the United States, Mas Canosa pushed ambitious projects to fight for democracy on the island, including for its validity: the creation in 1981 of the Cuban American National Foundation (FNCA) alongside Ra úl Masvidal and Carlos Salman and in 1985 the launch of Radio Mart í, intended to broadcast uncensored news for the Cuban people. Among its many achievements are the EXODO program that reunited 10 Cuban families and the joint Torricelli Act and Helms-Burton Act. After the founding of Radio Mart í in 1985, Mas Canosa was named by President Ronald Reagan and ratified by subsequent administrations as president of the Presidential Broadcasting Advisory Board for Cuba, responsible for the supervision of Radio Mart í and Mart í Television. He was born in Santiago de Cuba on September 21, 1939, where he grew up and started in politics as a student leader defying the dictatorial oppression of Fulgencio Batista and later of Fidel Castro. At age 18 he migrated to the United States where he founded a family and went from a simple worker to a prosperous businessman with MasTec, a multinational corporation that was once named the largest Hispanic-owned company in the United States. His political projection led to him becoming a key part of US relations towards Cuba, being heard by numerous American presidents and international statesmen. Mas Canosa was a strong supporter of the role of exiles in Cuba’s freedom fight. In an international televised debate in 1996 against then-president of the Cuban National Assembly, Ricardo Alarc ónn declared: ′′ We (the exiles) have the moral right to fight because in Cuba prevail what prevails already throughout the western hemisphere, freedom, democracy, respect for human rights, market economy, prosperity, respect for human dignity, family happiness, and that Cubans have the right to choose for themselves the political system that suits them, that there are options for the people of Cuba, that there are transparent regular elections, that respects universal and secret suffrage, that the people Cuba can regain its sovereignty and decide what it wants and who its leaders and rulers will be. Those options don’t have them with this system «. Mas Canosa died in Miami on November 23, 1997. ·